28th-30th of September
3rd Conference on
Beyond Transformation: Evolving the Digital Enterprise

IDE 2019
20+ speakers / 100+ attendees

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3rd Conference on
In recent years, the industrial world, and in particular the manufacturing sector, has been affected by a digital transformation, capable of strongly influencing production processes and business dynamics. This transformation is called Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 contributes to a revolution in all sectors including the economic, academic, research, industrial and manufacturing ones. The implementation of Industry 4.0 requires a change in many technologies, namely automation, identification, IT communication, digital production, production process, management of production control, decision making, judgment, detection, and analysis. Industry Digital Evolution (IDE) is, therefore, a continuous process of corporate change supported by a highly innovative strategic and multidisciplinary vision focused on the combination of different organizational, technological and cultural variables, in order to make companies more competitive and resilient. The new edition of IDE 2020 "Beyond Transformation: Evolving the Digital Enterprise" Conference wants to take up the challenge of exploring the theme of corporate evolution by designing possible operational scenarios that guide companies along a coherent and effective path of continuous innovation and constant research. During its three days, qualified speakers from the academic and industrial world will exchange views and share their experiences with Digital Evolution. The four sessions of the school will allow covering a wide range of digital solutions already developed or about to be introduced in the industrial context, and which are the subject of research projects and studies by the academy.
CHAIR: Prof. Ernesto Damiani
Università degli Studi di Milano
This track focuses on Big Data Novel Theories, Visualization Techniques, Large Data Stream Processing, Sensor Networks, Big Data Applications.
CHAIR: Prof. Andrea Bondavalli
Università degli Studi di Firenze
This track deals with Methods, Technologies and Case Studies about all Cyber-Physical Systems aspects, such as information exchange and control.
CHAIR: Prof. Sergio Terzi
Politecnico di Milano
This track aims to bring together different approaches addressing works on technologies and models for managing data and information about LC across different sectors.
CHAIR: Prof. Pierpaolo Pontrandolfo
Politecnico di Bari
The aim of this track is to investigate how Artificial Intelligence can transform the industrial scenario and, in general, its relevant impacts on all enterprise sectors.
• 15:00-15:15 ~ Institutional Welcome & PhD Introduction ~ Angelo Corallo / Federica Stella Blasi - Università del Salento
• 15:15-15:30 ~ Plenary Session Introduction: Andrea Bondavalli - Università degli Studi di Firenze
• 15:30-16:10 ~ KEYNOTE: Andras Pataricza - Technical University of Budapest
• 16:10-16:40 ~ Domenico Andreis - I-AM, Altea Federation
• 16:40-17:10 ~ Antonio Toma - Porsche Engineering
• 17:25-17:55 ~ Paolo Pomi - Avio aero, GE aviation
• 17:55-18:25 ~ Luca Sebastiani - Seastema
• 09:15-09:30 ~ Plenary Session Introduction: Sergio Terzi - Politecnico di Milano
• 09:30-10:10 ~ KEYNOTE: Benoit Eynard - Université de Technologie de Compiègne
• 10:10-10:40 ~ David Ward - TMC Italia
• 10:40-11:10 ~ Nicoletta Antonias / Daniela Aprea - Italferr
• 11:25-11:55 ~ Massimo Scalvenzi - Leonardo
• 11:55-12:25 ~ Simona Turco - OMA
• 12:25-12:55 ~ Nicola Campo - Baker Hughes
• 15:15-15:30 ~ Plenary Session Introduction: Pierpaolo Pontrandolfo - Politecnico di Bari
• 15:30-16:10 ~ KEYNOTE: Theodoros Evgeniou - Insead - Business School
• 16:10-16:40 ~ Federico Baffetti - Cloudif.ai, Altea Federation
• 16:40-17:10 ~ Marco Del Coco - Engineering Ingegneria Informatica
• 17:25-18:25 ~ Francesco Del Greco - Autostrade per l'Italia
• 17:55-18:25 ~ Francesco Pettinato / Francesco Mancino - IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi
• 09:15-12:55 ~ SESSION 4: BIG DATA & ANALYTICS
• 09:15-09:30 ~ Plenary Session Introduction: Paolo Ceravolo - Università degli Studi di Milano Statale
• 09:30-10:10 ~ KEYNOTE: Jean Cristophe Pazzaglia - SAP Labs France
• 10:10-10:40 ~ Francesco Scarrico / Paola Olivieri - Fameccanica
• 10:40-11:10 ~ Davide Guerri - Dedalus Italia
• 11:25-11:55 ~ Pierpaolo Gambini - Leonardo
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